The Surging of Corporate Travel

Corporate travel is back and while virtual collaboration platform can answer most demands, there are some points where corporate travel will play its role. Research show that corporate travel experiences strong growth in 2022 and will continue to the next year ahead.


in Q4 2023

Projected spending in corporate travel compared the 2019 spend


of Asian corporate travels will continue


of Travel Managers

Say their travel spend will recover to prepandemic leve by the end of 2023

Source: Delloite, 2022

Why Corporate Travels Surging?

Virtual collaboration platforms are good but cannot answer all business demands. In some cases, business should conduct corporate travel to answer those needs. Among the other reasons, the three biggest reasons why companies doing travels are:


Sales visit


Leadership meetings


Client's Project works

Source: Delloite, 2022

The Big Opportunities are Waiting in the Future

The gradual increase of corporate travel promising the big opportunities to expand our business to the new level. That why we bring simplicity and effectiveness of the travel management to help businesses eliminate complexity within their travel arrangements.

Integrated solution for various corporate needs

Easy to integrate with the existing HRIS - ERP systems

Brings comprehensive and secure solutions to answer demands

Provide flexibility to each corporate travel policies

Bring It to The Cloud for a Better User Experience

We trusted our services to be running on Microsoft Azure for us to create, innovate and moving faster as a SaaS product.

Accelerate innovation by implementing DevOps culture

High scalability to live up any demands and stay serving cross region customers anytime

Security guarantee for customers personal and transactions data

Provide agility and optimization for any workload to ensure seamless user experience

From Zero Moving Forward to be a Hero and Beyond

There's a long road ahead, but we have faith to become bigger and answer every corporate needs on travel arrangement


The idea was sparkled


Initial development was conducted to fulfill the idea


PT. Reka Sinergi Pratama was officialy established

Located in small room with only 3 personels


Production Start

Start to serve customers, only for Lion Air, Sriwijaya and Citilink

  • Go to Market

  • 70k booking

  • 60k issued

  • GTV USD 3.2mio

  • Only LCC Airlines


Vendor & Features

Elevate our services with new product

  • 806k booking

  • 702k issued

  • GMV 55.6mio

  • Opsiflight - SCOOT

  • Kehpitalist Pte. Ltd
    Opsicorp Development
    Opsitrip Development